Celebrating World Breast Pumping Day

January 27th marks the day we celebrate World Breast Pumping Day.  This day was created to acknowledge and celebrate the time, energy and effort moms put towards breast pumping.  There are many reasons why a mom may choose to pump their milk.  Some benefits of pumping include: 

*Pumping helps stimulate production

*Helps increase the amount of milk produced

*Helps create a storage of readily available milk

*Helps moms who struggle with their babies latching to the breast

Breast pumping is a big commitment and takes time and effort to learn how to do it correctly.  It is important to support those moms who choose to do it.  It is especially important for employers to accommodate those working moms who choose to pump in the work place.  By providing a private, clean and comfortable space to pump, employers can greatly help out their employees.

The right clothing can also make a world of difference when pumping.  Many moms have found that clothes designed especially for breastfeeding work the best.  Discreet horizontal zippers like these make it easy and more comfortable to pump.  

You may be wondering how you can observe World Breast Pumping Day.  Moms who pump can feel pride on this day for their accomplishments.  It is also important that moms share their stories and give advice and encouragement to other moms.  You can also reach out and encourage a mom who may be struggling with breastfeeding or pumping.

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